Past Listings
If the home is near schools and amenities. Show the buyers with aerial photography.
Greenbelts, walking paths and parks sell homes!
Highlighting the green outside can help sell a condo or townhome
Adding a pop of color to old porch and highlighting the holiday can help sell it!
showcasing the natural surroundings will help sell that condo
Let the light in! Make the older, darker colors feel fresh with light.
Small front yard? No worries, distance in the photos will help sell it.
Staging can make a stagnant listing sell faster.
Use of both staging and the sellers own pieces. Letting in the light through clean windows.
Make them feel at home with welcoming signs and doormats.
Good photography can make a poorly light kitchen look 10x better
Open Those Blinds and Shutters
Lakeside units deserve lakeside photos. Show the buyers how great your location is.
Mix of staging and owners pieces cleaned this listing up and made it look fresh and inviting.
Yards with lots of plants, trees and shrubs need distance photography.
Showcase that open space
Let the color pop
completely staged vacant home
These sellers did all the work! Good Job
Showcase the flowers and colors. Show the buyers the beauty of a suburban home.